
Monday 26 March 2007

renzo piano

maqueta | paul kleezentrum building

Renzo Piano is a man whose work is reinventing architecture in projects scattered around the world - from a Mixed Use Tower in Sydney, Australia to the mile-long Kansai Air Terminal on a man-made island in Osaka Bay, Japan to the master plan for the reconstruction of Potsdamer Platz in Berlin or the Beyeler Foundation Musuem in Basel, Switzerland. Even this skip around the globe does not indicate the full range or enormous output of this prodigious architect. Renzo Piano's projects include not only buildings that range from homes to apartments, offices to shopping centers, museums, factories, workshops and studios, airline and railway terminals, expositions, theatres and churches; but also bridges, ships, boats, and cars, as well as city planning projects, major renovations and reconstructions, and even television star of a program on architecture.

He was born into a family of builders in Genoa, Italy in 1937. His grandfather, his father, four uncles and a brother were all contractors, and he admits, he should have been one too, but instead chose architecture. Piano declares his architecture has an important legacy - a passion for construction, or more pointedly, a culture of doing, resulting from growing up in a family of builders.
